"Rising stars of international progressive metal."
"Without a doubt Voidchaser will soon be recognized worldwide."
"Top-notch progressive metal genre connoisseurs should be lapping this up readily."
The Progspace
"Solace might very well be the defining metal album of 2024."
"A must-hear for metal lovers and anyone looking to spark a great slam."
Alter Sound Magazine
"True hit that will surely resonate with listeners!"
Saint Metal
"Genuine masterpiece."
Songs behind the Music
"Powerful and brutal"
Modern Rock Music
"Buckle up for this kick-ass track!"
Boulimique de Musique
"Push the boundaries of the genre"
Music WebZine
"Pure dedication with great skill."
Rider Records
“Melodies and dynamics are out of this world!”
Indiefferential Magazine
"Crystal-clear production (...) both soothing and mesmerizing."
Penhasco Rock
"Fascinating exploration of progressive metal."
"Incredible versatility."
Frecuencia Nuevas Bandas
"Sounds superb!"
Geenger Records